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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 13, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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police will run while i do the interview. we're starting to see police departments around the country turn a corner with hiring. why are people investing in police? >> elected officials are starting to realize that, like that. they're starting to realize that if you don't back the blue, you aren't going to get quality candidates and won't retain experienced law enforcement professionals. you either back the cops or they will find another profession. >> we're seeing the numbers go up. nassau hasn't had a problem but new york is having an issue retaining and getting new officers. why are they coming here? >> certain politicians don't black the blue in new york city and we do out here and they love to work here. >> you have it. with a training facility like this why someone wants to work here. it's the end of the show. send it back to you guys. >> see you tomorrow. enter>> bill: former president
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trump about to come face-to-face with an attorney who flipped and him as michael cohen takes the sand. happy mother eggs day. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: we worked together for four years, you never do this to me. i don't anticipate you testifying against me. it is weird if you think about it. i'm dana perino. this is "america's newsroom," glad to be with you for another week. today cohen is the star witness in bragg's case against trump. he served a three year prison sentence for charges relation to hunt money payment and lying to congress. disbarred lawyer and known as donald trump's fixer. >> bill: cohen will be sitting feet away from his former boss as he testifies on the payments he made teep president's behest. a huge crowd in new jersey.
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telling the crowd this whole thing is a sham. >> i've come here from new york where i'm being enforced to endure a biden show trial. carried out by radical democrat district attorney and a highly conflicted judge. he is corrupt and highly conflicted. so conflicted there has never been a judge more conflicted. >> dana: senator tim scott is here. andy mccarthy and jonathan turley join us live. let's get to eric shawn outside the courthouse to kick us off this morning. >> so far no witness has directly tied the former president to the charges against him. but starting today the prosecutors here are counting on michael cohen to do just that. when cohen left his upper east side apartment building this morning he was uncharacteristically speechless as he headed to court. for years he was known as
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trump's lower pit bull. confronting enemies, challenge rivals and wield a legal pen like a knife all to protect his boss, whose office was just down the hall at trump tower. he is expected on the stand to lay out what prosecutors say was the illegal scheme to help protect trump's presidential race by paying off stormy daniels and lying about it. he is expected to say he met with the president in 2017 in the oval office and agreed to pay cohen back for the 130,000 he gave stony daniels and called the reimbursement as legal expenses. trump's lawyers will point out he lied under oath to congress, served federal price on time for tax evasion, bank fraud and campaign violations. and the jury has already heard him described as a difficult, hopeless jerk. the former president constrained
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by the gag order in this case had plenty to say about cohen during his civil trial last fall. >> he is a liar. that has proven. he is a convicted felon, went to jail for lying, and this is their only witness. >> michael cohen has arrived at the courthouse and waiting in one of the rooms to take the witness stand. the former president hasn't yet arrived. the face-off and fireworks begin about half an hour from now. bill and dana, back to you. >> dana: thank you, good to have you. >> bill: south carolina republican senator tim scott, trump surrogate. feeling comfy in south carolina today. how do you think america is watching this trial knowing no cameras are inside and trying to piece it together on their own? >> you know, bill, there is a
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clear objective here, simple, to keep president trump off the campaign trail so that he won't have rallies in new jersey with 100,000 people there. if your star witness lied under oath, if your star witness spent years in jail, that's not a case. the bottom line is this. in america, you are innocent until proven guilty. they aren't trying to prove his guilt. they want to make sure he doesn't win on november 5th. the two-tiered justice system counts to frustrate americans and another reason why we see trump rising in the polls. americans at our heart believe in fairness. we believe that lady justice must wear a blindfold. it doesn't matter the name of the person in court. it matters our justice system has no thumb on the scale, our
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justice system will serve america's highest ideal that you are innocent until proven guilty. this is a sham. this is not a courtroom. this is a stage to find the president guilty not in the court, but in the eyes of the public so that he does not win on november 5th. this is shameful. >> dana: senator scott, president trump yesterday was speaking about the electoral map. just to remind viewers at home. you don't just win on a popular vote you have to win in the electoral college. president trump talked about that this weekend at his rally. listen here. >> we're expanding the electoral map because we are going to officially play in the state of new jersey. we are going to win the state of new jersey. we're also looking really great in the state of minnesota, which hasn't been won since 1952 and we're leading in the polls. the state of virginia and
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actually many other states. i don't know, could be all of them. >> dana: yesterday there was a "new york times" poll that couldn't make the biden team happy. the trump team is saying okay, we're in good shape here and a lot of these battleground states. including nevada if you look at that, 50 to 38. incredible. one of the things that nate cowan of the "new york times" brought about black and hispanic voters, younger ones, threaten to unravel president biden's coalition. you've been thinking the republicans can do this for quite a while. is this is republicans' opportunity to finally turn a corner with these voters and hold them? >> we've had no better opportunity to win back black voters. we haven't done this since 1964 when republicans, more republicans voted for the civil rights bills than democrats. since 1964 we haven't seen this opportunity, dana. 20% of the black vote goes for president trump. there is no democrat party.
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you don't need 30%. 20% of the black vote decimates the democrat party and we'll control the house, the senate, and we'll have four more years of low interest rates, low inflation, low unemployment but high enthusiasm and frankly, we'll have a president who stands loyal to our allies and lethal against our adversaries. president trump's contrast to president biden could not be better for the working class. african-american voters had more money in their pockets, hispanic and white voters and asian voters. this actually unifies our country, it leads to healing in our country when we have a president who understands that the best revenge is success. i'm looking forward to four more years of president trump and that means we will run the tables across this nation and we should have a 50 state strategy.
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we have to win in detroit, we have to be successful in philadelphia. we have opportunities to win in places we haven't done before. i'm not talking about the states. i'm talking about blue cities that have had a monopoly on minority votes. that day is coming to an end. >> bill: i find most interesting how many states are right at 50% in that "new york times" poll. tim scott, thank you for your time and appreciate that. we'll speak soon. the other thing is this, most americans think the system needs to change, right? 55% in that poll suggest major changes. >> dana: 14% wants it entirely torn down. >> bill: you have that out there. now the middle east. let's get to it. this is anthony blinken speaking over the weekend talking about gaza on cbs and what comes of rafah. >> and when it comes to the use of weapons, concerns about
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incidents where given the totality of the damage that's been done to children, women, men, it was reasonable to assess that in certain instances israel acted in ways not consistent with international law. >> dana: now do hamas. this is pretty incredible. you can understand somebody like netanyahu, the prime minister of israel, is saying we want the united states as our ally, we cherish that. but if you aren't going to be there for us we'll be there for ourselves. >> bill: we'll get to garrett tenney in a moment from "the new york times" editorial board. jerry sign seinfeld and stands up at duke university. it is that enforcement the leadership of too many universities has fallen short. >> dana: the thing is i think it's worth cheeping in mind there are 30 students that walked out and got the
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headlines. it is rude and terrible but not like the entire student body. a handful of these numskulls are getting a lot of credit. >> bill: you had a chance of free, free, palestinian and all it went. we are talking about that. listen to it right now and watch it. [shouting] >> dana: that was the scene at duke university's graduation ceremony over the weekend. there were a couple dozen students walking out at comedian seinfeld's commencement address. anti-israel protestors disrupt college life. garrett tenney is live outside of depaul university in chicago. what happened there, garrett? >> students are preparing for the possibility of a raid by police after negotiations with school officials broke down over the weekend and students ignored a noon deadline by the school to clear out of the quad behind us. as you mentioned over the weekend, protests taking place
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at graduation ceremonies across the country including at vcu in richmond, virginia, dozens of graduating students walked out as governor youngkin took the stage. they marched around the building in caps and grounds calling for the school to cut off all ties with israel. and at uc berkeley's ceremony saturday hundreds of demonstrators repeatedly interrupted the program with loud chants that you could hear over the school's livestream. those disruptions not winning over folks who came to just celebrate the graduates' hard work. >> i can't hear the speakers at all. we work hard for four years and truly this is a degree, we're extremely sad. >> our son came here to study engineering, not idiocy. >> we waited for this day for a very long time to see my son graduate. he is the first in our family to do so.
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and it is really disturbing because i understand their feelings but it's not the appropriate time or place. >> there were some tense moments at the university of washington yesterday when more than 200 people marched on campus as part of a pro-israel counter protest. there was a heavy police presence and officers installed barriers around the encampment on campus to keep the groups separated. organizers ignored the school's request to move out by last friday as the size of that protest has grown to 100 tents. back at depaul officials haven't said they plan to send in police. it is the last remaining encamp. in chicago. graduation still a month away here. >> dana: thanks for the update on all that. >> bill: we're awaiting the story of the day. possible remarks from former president trump. we expect him to speak any moment now. this before michael cohen takes the stand.
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so minute-by-minute we'll tell you as it happens. >> dana: we're ready to go. another major case getting underway in new york. jury selection beginning this morning in the corruption trial of new jersey senator bob menendez. we'll have the latest from both courtrooms. for any traveler you want to be... like a craft cocktail connoisseur at the cambria hotel bar. or mr. "tackled the inbox" so it's room service time at a radisson hotel! book direct at ohh, effervescent. did you know you can get 40% off a single pair of glasses at america's best? these savings won't last forever. unlike your eternal elation. ok, settle down. shop online or book an exam at
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would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not donald trump. mark levin, great guy, brilliant man. our judicial system has blown up. it's broken. andrew mccarthy, trump should be acquitted in manhattan. only a defendant of the plethora of constitutional infirmities in the prosecution it should be thrown out for the most basic of reasons. bragg cannot prove his case. they have no evidence and i'm
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innocent. this is a political witch hunt. nobody has seen anything like it. i tell you what, the appellate division judges should step in. what this judge is getting away with is disgraceful, including the fact that we have thousands of people, 100,000 people in new jersey. they would like to show their support. it is like an armed camp outside. you can't get one person within three blocks of this courthouse. gregg jarrett, you take a look at this statement, we're in the fourth week and there is still no evidence whatsoever connecting trump with any criminal wrongdoing. a crime that's not charged, a crime that in which prosecutors won't even tell the defendant what it is. we have records and they talk about bookkeeping. we call a legal expense a legal expense. we don't call it a construction
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expense. we don't say concrete work or electrical work. we paid a lawyer a legal expense. it is marked down in the book legal expense. it is perfectly marked down. the other side says let's indict him anyway. this comes from biden and the white house, by the way. they have their top people here because he can't put two sentences together. the worst president in the history of our country. can't speak, can't walk off a helicopter, a plane or a stage. and the only way they think they can win is if they can do something with trump because we have an income peent. the worst president in the history of the united states of america. jonathan turley after bragg closes the prosecution's case, the defense will make a motion for dismissal. merchan, who is so corrupt and
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so conflicted, like no judge has ever been, and the press doesn't want to write about it. but you know exactly what we're saying. merchan should grant that motion for dismissal. there has been no showing of a crime. they failed to protect the rights of the defendant from the baseless politically motivated prosecution. that's jonathan turley. all very talented legal ex experience. but the big thing today seems to be the times. i'm sure they were thrilled. i respect them for at least letting it come out and there it is, trump leading by a lot in every state. every swing state leading by a lot. this trial is rigged. it is dishonest, a disgrace to new york and a disgrace to the country. i should be out campaigning now instead of sitting in a very cold courthouse all day long.
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this is a biden prosecution. it is election interference at a level that nobody in this country has ever seen before. this is third world country, not the usa. [shouted questions] >> dana: and that's going to do it for his comments this morning. he said quite a lot there starting off with the polls from over the weekend, which were not good for joe biden. >> bill: kennedy is with us, paul mauro. paul, begin with you. msnbc, he represents michael cohen. they speak every night and spoke last night and going back decades, in fact, lanny davis said that cohen will say i own these lies and now i'm telling you the truth. >> there is an old saying in trials, once you lie once, no matter what you do, what the
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jury sees is a liar, period, end of story. you can double and triple tap that with michael cohen from now until doomsday. as he said, he has to own it and try to convince them this time i'm telling the truth. yeah, they have some paperwork. he will say it. but they will probably look for some way to corroborate all of this, otherwise what do you have? a he said, he said. michael cohen and donald trump trying to tie him to the two charges involved. one of the problems as we've been speaking about. unusual in any trial. we don't know what the second crime is. so donald trump doesn't really quite know how to defend himself. there is a split even among the commentators at fox. some people think the second crime is federal election crime. some say it's the state one. it matters. bragg doesn't have jurisdiction
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over the federal one. when we spend so much time what the crime is shows it is shaky. >> dana: this is the judge telling prosecutors to tell their star witness, michael cohen, to shut up. he said i would direct the people could many unindicate the judge is asking him to stop making any more statements about the case. that comes from the bench and you are communicating that on behalf of the bench. michael cohen didn't care. he is on tiktok selling things and he wants merchandise and wants to have a show. he is not listening. >> he is very desperate and doing anything he can to make money at this point. he is also very unhinged. and yes, he is a convicted liar. he is in such a pickle. i think his testimony has the possibility of making stormy daniels look like a sympathetic nun by comparison. he could really fall apart on the stand. he is not doing himself any favors and looking at a person
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who has fallen so far he feels he has nothing to lose. so all he is going to do is monetize that and you talk about core operation, well, what about colangelo, the prosecutor here, who worked for merrick garland, the number three person in the d.o.j. he is a democrat operative and was once paid by the dnc and made it his life's work to target and convict trump. this is a very flimsy case, very strange that he would hang his hat on this and die on this hill because he could pay for it with his own -- >> bill: when cohen left his joint on the upper east side he got an s.u.v. and ran a red light and that was the note from the pool that was watching. >> dana: ticket. i would get a ticket. i imagine you guys. stand by here. in moments another big court case. jury selection in new jersey, senator bob menendez corruption trial begins today.
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democrat is facing 16 charges, including conspiracy to commit bribery and conspiracy to obstruct justice. chad pergram is live in new york city. a lot of people can't believe he is still a sitting senator but now he will be sitting in court. >> no ethics investigation also there, dana. 118 is the number in the jury pool here and whittle it to 12 jurors, six alternates. this is bob menendez's second trial since 2015. the last trial ended in 2017, ended in a hung jury. now he represents new jersey but prosecutors also accuse him of representing egypt and qatar. >> what a chilling effect on the mere engagement of these conversations and inquiries would it be if the sum of those actions, taken in pursuit of your fact finding effort to inform of what your legislative actions should be can be turned into official acts in violation
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of the law and not within the protection of the speech or debate laws of the constitution. >> now as for egypt, prosecutors say menendez wrote ghost letters to unlock military aid for egypt. menendez is accused of receiving 13 gold bars on behalf of a new jersey businessman who wanted to do business in qatar. prosecutors say they have evidence the senator even researched the cost of gold kilo s. senate democrats hoped menendez would resign but they want to see what happens. >> i'll follow the day-to-day and waiting for the verdict and senator menendez will have his day in court to defend himself. >> have you talked to him about trial? >> i have not discussed the trial in any detail or depths. >> now a jury failed to reach a verdict seven years ago. ran for re-election in 2018 and won. >> i have served with honesty
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and integrity and given it my all every day. i am proud of what i have been able to accomplish for the people of new jersey. >> now his wife, nadine, is also going to stand trial in july. they are trying the same case twice. there is some thought here that menendez's defense counsel may throw her under the bus and claim she was the one involved in the bribes. defense counsel, their message to the jury, ignore the shiny objects. in other words, the gold bars, dana. >> dana: from capitol hill to the big apple. great to have you in the city. >> bill: chad pergram. >> dana: he is a little out of his comfort zone. >> bill: lower manhattan, it is 9:29 in new york city where we're a minute from seeing the judge on the bench. when that happens we'll take you there live through our reporters and producers giving us every detail in text from inside the
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courtroom. stay tuned. it is another week and it could be a very significant one and it starts next. using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming inner-springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. save up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets at hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪ when dry eye symptoms keep... coming... back... inflammation might be to blame. over-the-counter eye drops can provide temporary relief. xiidra can provide lasting relief. it targets inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra? no-o-o! xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied, and unusual taste sensation.
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>> bill: here we go now. we'll look at this door for hours today and sometimes there might be human beings there. that place is on lockdown in lower manhattan. it is difficult to move around when the former president is coming there. we saw him 20 minutes ago before he made his way into court. what's the whole deal with michael cohen? how did he get on board the trump band wagon? here in 2006 he was on a condo board in new york city that donald trump owned and that's when the relationship started, all right? ten years later after that you've got the allegation that he paid daniels to cover up that affair. then he said his commitment to donald trump is so iron clad he would take a bullet for him. in 2018, 12 years now removed,
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no longer working for trump and everything starts to fall apart. you have all the guilty counts for the criminal counts, including the unlawful campaign contributions for daniels. that was in august of 2018. where are we now, 2024. we got six more years. november 2018 pleads guilty lying to congress. 2018 goes to jail for three years. come up to september of 2020. a big deal now for trump's lawyers in court about publishing his first book and november of 2020 he goes back to the upper east side of manhattan, released from prison and a second book in october of 2022 and now we've got the testimony and trump's new york civil fraud case in october of 2023. a ton to go through. that's why we hired smart legal minds to break it down, did we not? >> dana: we sure did. the judge is seated. the jury is being walked into the courtroom now. jonathan turley and jonna
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spilbor and andrew mccarthy. cohen could be the witness we hear from today. >> that's right. his role here is quite telling because the government has yet to establish what are called the elements of any crime in this case. so they are at the end of their witness list and it is now becoming apparent what the strategy is. that is the -- bragg is relying on a motivated judge and motivated jury to take him where he needs to go for conviction. but before he gets there, he has to be able to credibly argue that someone, anyone, said that there was direct evidence that trump not only wanted to keep this silent. that's not a crime. but intentionally committed fraud. intentionally wanted this denotation as legal expense to conceal a crime. michael cohen appears to be the person he will do that.
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you look at that and say but who would believe someone that just a few weeks ago denounced as a serial perjurer by another judge? the answer is it doesn't matter. bragg knows trump can't take the stand after earlier rulings by the judge in this case. so cohen's testimony will not be contradicted by trump. what bragg will argue you may think he is a liar, you may think he is a bottom feeder, but that's a question of credibility, judge. so this has to go to the jury. that's the strategy. >> bill: all right. andy mccarthy you have been writing all weekend. now is your chance, all right, to spill what you are thinking about fraud. has the state proven that fraud has taken place. >> no, they haven't come close to proving that fraud has taken place.
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they have to also prove there was a specific intent to commit another crime, which we think is a federal finance crime. astonishing that we can't say that with complete certainty. that's supposed to be spelled out in the indictment. but there is not a cent of evidence that trump was thinking about federal campaign law, let alone they conspired to violate it. it is important to make that distinction. you can make an agreement, which as jonathan said, is a legal arrangement to not disclose or to try to bury politically-embarrassing information. you can absolutely intend to do that. that doesn't mean you were thinking about the federal campaign finance laws, much less willfully violating them beyond a reasonable, which is what bragg has to prove here to get a conviction at least as a matter of law. whether they can sway the jury is another matter.
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the final thing i would say about this is, you know, you can put somebody who is even a convicted perjurer on the stand, but generally the agreement that a prosecutor makes to a jury in terms of the commitment that you make in the opening statement and the way you try the case is that we aren't going to ask you to convict on the basis of a perjurer's testimony unless we can show you a document or other testimony or something that corroborates that witness on this disputed point. to repeat what jonathan just said as starkly as i can, they are asking this jury -- they have to ask this jury if they will convict on fraud, to accept this guy's uncorroborated testimony despite his mountainous credibility problems. that's not something a prosecutor would ordinarily do, which is why i think the prosecutors in my old office, the southern district of new
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york, decided not to pursue this case. >> dana: jonna, what the are prosecution -- what is the prosecution team worried about today knowing who they are putting on a stand? the jury heard nobody likes him and a lot of tension between michael cohen and donald trump. and they know that he has been out there talking and doing tiktok videos and everything else. what is the prosecution worried about as they put michael cohen on the stand? >> they aren't worried about the darn thing. the prosecution never had a notion that it was actually going to successfully prosecute this case. that said, i do think that no matter what comes out of cohen's mouth today or this week, it is checkmate for the prosecution because look, if a miracle of miracles happens and he decides to testify truthfully we'll have another example of no criminal conduct on the part of trump,
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right? if he testifies truthfully. the chance of that is very, very slim. look at the other side of that coin. if he does what we think he is going to do and tells some fantastic call tale that has to include when i was representing donald trump i told him to break the law and he obliged. then on cross examination his credibility will be eviscerated and the jury will be left scratching their head saying wait a minute, we had no evidence of any crime prior to this quote, unquote, star witness. now we can't believe anything that this star witness had to say. so essentially michael cohen's testimony is non-existent and they will still not be able to get to a guilty verdict. >> bill: it is a he said/he said. people call michael cohen, cohen walks in the room. looks around quickly and now taking the stand. while that happens let's squeeze
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in a quick commercial break. the judge also made a ruling about the former accountant alan weisel berg. we'll explain what that means and the possible ramifications are for the defense when we continue. out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 36 months. shop now at -remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider.
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>> dana: fox news alert and new pictures from court this morning. you see president trump there with his lawyers as the court is underway. the examination of michael cohen is happening right now. the prosecutor is there. new pictures. we were told last week because of a reporter violating the photography rules inside the courtroom there would never be anymore photographs. the judge has had a change of heart as long as everyone
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follows the rules. >> bill: the message from our producers inside. cohen looks visibly nervous. he is 57, married for 30 years. going through his family history right now. he has a son age 24, daughter age 32. a lot of the witnesses have said audibly that i'm nervous. remember what hope hicks said? they eventually tend to start to relax and find a little more comfort in the situation. >> dana: one of the ways you stay more relaxed and not be nervous is if you aren't going to lie. marc thiessen, fox news contributor. what do we know about michael cohen and the tendency to lie? >> he is a surreal perjurer. bring one of those into a courtroom is not the most comforting thing you could do for them. it shows how weak this case is that they are depending on a serial perjurer to make their case. i don't think things are going
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well in the court of law but the court of public opinion is even worse. donald trump is rising in the polls. "new york times" poll came out winning in five of six swing states including outside the margin of error in three of them. that puts him in shooting distance of 270 electoral votes if he wins those states and he is rising with hispanics, he is rising with younger voters and he is winning 20% of the black vote. one thing about black voters is they have a great distrust of the criminal justice system. when donald trump goes out and says i'm being railroaded. this is a malicious prosecution, political and unfair prosecution it may resonate with some african-americans. this is not going well for them and having the opposite effect. its purpose is to stop him from becoming president. it may actually help him get there. >> bill: we'll piece this together as best we can based on the emails we receive at fox
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headquarters. marc, stand by. bring back the attorneys. we mentioned this 30 minutes ago. lanny davis was on msnbc earlier today, the lawyer for michael cohen and this is what he said about his testimony today. >> he doesn't excuse himself. he went to prison for those crimes and he served his time. he will turn to the jury and he will say i own those and now i'm telling you the truth. and they are backed up by documents and it will be up to the jury to decide the credibility. >> bill: there you have it, guys. i think we've reached a point we need to analyze from a legal way. andy mccarthy, jonathan turley, jonna spilbor. allen weisselberg was the accountant for trump. serving a second term for prison at ryker's island. who weeks ago a gentleman by the name of jeff mcconney who worked with him was at the trump
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organization for 20 years, was describing his antiquated system they had at the trump organization and he described this ledger where every check that went out had to be put into a category and he testified that any check that went to michael cohen went into legal expenseens and the attorney said why would you do that? michael cohen was an attorney. so wondered if weisselberg would be put into the courtroom. the separation agreement he reached with the trump organization will not be admitted into evidence based on the judge's ruling 20 minutes ago. this could be significant, andy, correct me if i'm wrong or not on that. the reason being if wise el berg doesn't show up, the only person you might have who says this was hush money is michael cohen. especially if donald trump does not take the stand in his own
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defense. andy, please analyze. >> well, i think what the prosecutors were trying to do here, you'll be shocked to learn, was mislead the jury. he has -- weisselberg has a separation agreement where he is bound to not cooperate or not make public statements against trump. he got a pretty lucrative severance package. the thing is, that agreement is not enforceable against the criminal justice process. what they wanted to suggest is trump was paying him for his silence when, in fact, if he had been subpoenaed to testify by the state he would have had to testify and the agreement wouldn't have prevented that. they were suggesting they were buying his -- merchan made a correct ruling not letting that
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in. weisselberg will not testify. the state could call him as a witness. they are choosing not to. so it's their decision to roll the dice on the basis of cohen's testimony. just to be clear, bill, the issue here is not whether it's hush money or not. i don't think -- hush money is another way to say non-disclosure agreement. they are legal. what they have to show is perjury -- is fraud beyond a reasonable doubt and in this instance, fraud that includes a specific intent to willfully violate the campaign finance laws. and cohen will be their only witness on that score. >> dana: we have 45 seconds before to squeeze in a quick breaks. your thoughts as michael cohen is on the stand. >> i agree with what andy just said regarding weisselberg and happy the judge made one sound ruling in this trial but i
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really think the prosecution knows that they do not have a case and they don't care whether they win or lose. cross examination will be very interesting. michael cohen will be on the stand performing more than he is testifying and trying to narrow him down on cross examination will be like trying to nail jello to the wall, a difficult job but one that is very necessary for this jury. >> dana: she does that 45 seconds in a great way every time. we appreciate it. more legal analysis coming up as michael cohen is on the stand in the hush money trial downtown new york city. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ you were made to find inner peace.
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