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  Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Trump Delivers Remarks on Super Tuesday  CSPAN  March 5, 2024 11:31pm-12:00am EST

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he did keep his train of thought. i don't see how people can't see the biden administration is being run by obama. he is the chairperson. googlee me lose my telephone because i put on there that he was a chairperson. host: okay, helen's thoughts and carolina. some final thoughts from the associated press. are we there yet? as of super tuesday, there will be■ days until the republican national convention in milwaukee. 167 days until the democratic national convention in chicago. and 245 until the november general election. that does it for tonight. w■cwe will be back tomorrow morg with more conversation with all of you and your reaction to super tuesday, 7:00 a.m. eastern time. a reminder, tonight's program,
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l c-span's campaign 2020 cora can be found on our website,mpaign and are free mobile app c-span now. we will bring you to earlier tonight in case you missed it, former president trump addressing his supporters in florida. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next president of the united states, president donald j. trump.
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>> [video clip] ♪ and i'm proud to be an american where i know i'm free and i forget the men who died to give that right to me and i'll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today but ther doubt i love this land god bless the usa ♪ ♪ ♪ from the likes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains from sea to shining sea from detroit down to houston and new york to la
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where there's pride in every american heart and it's time to stand and say that i'm proud to be where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up next to there ain't no doubt i love this land cut bless the usa -- god bless the usa and i'm proud to an american where at least i know i'm free and i won't forget the men who died whoave that right to me and i'll gladly stand up next to
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you and defend still today but there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa ♪ ♪ [crowd chanting "usa"] mr. trump: well, thank you very much. they call it super tuesday for a reason. this is the big one. [applause] and they tell me, the pungent and otherwise -- pundits and that there has never been anything so conclusive. this has been an amazing night, an amazing day. it has been an incredible per our country's history. it is sad and so many ways but i
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think it will be inspiring because we will do some things ■that frankly no one has been able to do for a long time. [applause] great beating over the last three years. and nobody thought a thing like this would beo't have russia attacking ukraine. we wouldn't have israel being attacked. iran as you know was broke when i was running things. they did not have money for hamas, for hezbollah. we had no inflation. inflation is destroying the middle class, it's destroying everything. inflation if you look back over hundreds of years back, it is called a country buster. that is what it is doing to our country. what has happened with inflation has been unbelievable. a lot of experts have said the stock market is the only thing doing well, and that is because
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our poll numbers are so much higher than biden's. [applause] he's the worst president in the history of our country. there has never been anything like what is happening to our country. announced that 325,000 people were flown in from parts unknown, migrants were flown in, airplane, not going through borders, not through the great barrier where i was with the governor of texas the other day and we were looking at the job they were doing. in the meantime they are pouring into california and arizona, because those governors are doing nothing. but today he was just announced before i came out, it was unbelievable. i said that must be a mistake. they flew 325,000 migrants over
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they. so that really tells you where they are coming from. they want open borders. open borders are going to destroy our country. we need borders and free and fair elections or we don't have a country. this is an incredible group of people. so many celebrities. i will not introduce any because i will just get myself in trouble because i will leave out most of you. this is a rm chock-full of incredible talented people, like some of the guys standing in front of me. big, fat beautiful futures. i would love to be your age. i would pay a lot of money to be your age. we have some tremendously talented people in this room, including talented political people that helped me from the beginning. had the safest border in the history of our country. we built 571 miles of wall.
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we had mexico supply us28,000 se wanted them. we said we won't do that. in the end, they was an . we had the safest border mother best numbers we ever had. now we have the worst numbers probably in the history of the world. it's sad to see what is happening to our cities. our cities are being overrun with migrantit is a new categor. and it is violent, where they will stand in the middle of the street and have fistfights with police officers, and if they did that where they came, they would beilled instantly. the world is taking advantage of us. a level where we were energy independent. we will be shortly energy dominant.
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today we are getting oil from venezuela. can you believe it? we are doing numbers on that. we are refining the oil. we have our refinery for that oil. i call it tar. we have real stuff. but we are refining it in houston. for all the environmentals, you want to look at that, because all that tar is going up into theit is the only plant tho it. we have the only plants that can take tar and turn it into oil. it is a shame. we were energy independent. we will be energy dominant. we will be supplying oil to europe all over the world. a tragic thing happened during the election, it was a tragedy. all of the problems that you have today, i don't thinheyou w. that is what ultimately will unify this country and this
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party. we have a great republican with tremendous talent. we want to have unity, and we are going to have unity. i have been saying lately, success will bring unity to our country. it happened before we had the best economy our country has ever had. people were calling me that i would have said would never happen. they wanted to get together, african-american, asian american, hispanic american, women, men, people with diplomas from the besschools in and peopt graduate from high school, every single group was doing better than before. it was a butifour country was c. [applause] and country that a political person uses
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weaponiziopolitical opponent. it happens in other countries, but they are third world countries. ountry at our borders, at our elections, and we have to stop that. we need a fair and free press. the press has not been fair, nor has it been free. maybe someday they will be. they have been beaten up pretty badly. people are not believing them. it is an important fact. we have to get that confidence back. it is so important for the success of our country. [applause] this has been a day that we have been waiting for. i want to thank my family for
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being here. have a great family. [applause] they say thanks a lot, dad, we appreciate it. but they are strong and very capable people. they love the country, really do. we appreciate it. i want to thank everybody, my staff, susie, chris, incredible job you are doing. [applause] i read an article yesterday where it said this is one of the finest run campaigns that anyone has ever seen. that is pretty good, right? and we have no choice because november 5 is right around the november 5 is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country.
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[applause] [crowd chanting "usa"] mr. trump: we are going to take it and we are going to make it like it should be, respected. righnow our country is known as a joke. it's a joke. other leaders who i speak to can't believe what happened to us. three years ago we were the most respected country anywhere by far. we were doing things nobody co china was paying us billions of dollars. in 25 years they have paid us i was getting billions of dollars. they were happy about it, as happy as you can be.
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maybe there is reasons for things having happened. they were not so happy with certain things i guess based on things that took place. 8■;we were getting along with everybody. we were respected by everybody. we had no wars, remember? had the debate with hillary clinton, she said look at that personality, he's going to cause wars. i said my personality will keep us out of warswhat happened. [applause] ■for 20 years they were fighting isis. i defeated isis in four weeks. ■ isis 100%. 100% of the isis caliphate. and we had no wars. we stopped wars. we were not getting along with a lot of countries. power, came along.orth korea,
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kim jong-un, we got along very well. we got along very well with china unat was a bit too much as far as i was concerned. we made a trade deal with china that i don't even talk about. $50 billion a year and product that i bought -- in product that they bought from our farmers. covid, i don't even talk about that because covid was such a horrible thing. it started in the wuhan labs, just as i said. and it came out i believe through incompetence. some people think it regardless it caused $60 trillion worth of damage and death all over the world. and we did a fantastic job on that. we never got credit for that. unbelievable job on that. we came up with things that
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nobody thought was possible. no one had any idea what it was. they did not even use the word pandemic. but we did a fantastic job. we got a lot of credit for the economy, for our foreign policy. i think credit like very few people have gotten. the press was honest about it. they gave us high marks on foreign policy, the abraham accords, so many things we did. we never got the kind of due that we should have for the covid, or as i call it affectionately, the chinese virus, the china virus, which is a much more accurateuse] and despite that, the stock market, when we turned it over the stock market was higher prior to covid. we did in amazing job. we had sma so many of the
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doctors and scientists. it was really something. but there has never been an administration that had more success in so many different elements. we got the largest tax cuts in arwe rebuilt our military. and what happened, we rebuilt our entire milary. we had jet fighters that were 53 years old. and we had all brand-new jet fighters. after this other group of people that did not know what they were doing, they took over and we had that horrible surrender in afghanistan. i call it a surrender. we took the shoulders out first. i dealt wi of the taliban in afghanistan. they were the ones causing the trouble. the press were angry because they said why are you callgi sam
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is. they asked jesse james, why do you rob banks? because he said that is where the money is. that is where the problem is with the taliban. i spoke to abdul. he is really the leader of afghanistan and the taliban, a rough group. i say don't ever shoot our ■ooldierswhat happened, during a administration previously, they we shooting a lot of our soldiers and i let them know, don't ever let that happen. i said it in fashion. for 18 months, we lost nobody in afghanistan, and then we withdre we lost 13 soldiers, 38 horribly wounded. left americans behind.
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you have americans right now still behind, call them hostages if you like. we left 85 billion dollars worth of beautiful equipment behind, jets and tanks and goggles, night goggles. they are good fighters. they did not used to fight at night, but now they do because they have goggles. they have better goggles than we have. i want to tell you that led to a lot of bad things. now the worst things are happening. the things happening now are e and they are unthinkable at the border. we have millions of people invading our country. this is the worst invasion probably -- we have never had anything like it. no country has had anything like it. the number today could be 15 million people. and they are coming from rough and dangerous placeswe had that.
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when joe biden goes to the beach because someone on his staff bathing suit -- [laughter] until he can't get his feet out of the sand or lift the chair which weighs about nine ounces, joe biden, if he left everything alone he could have had gone to the ach. we are going to take back our country. [applause] we are going to do it right. we are going to have the greatest economywe will top wha. we are going to become an energy center of the world. we are ready to become energy dominant. they stopped that, but we are going to become energy dominant. we will pay off debt.
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we will do things no one thought was possible. we had not done our second phase of the tax cuts. the democrats fought us very hard. now they say i guess that was pretty good because we took in much more revenues after we cut taxes, and then we did all those regulation cuts and everyone was happy and we were proud of our country. we will win this electionif we a country left. [applause] are going to do something -- thank you very much. we love you too. and we love our country. and we can't let this magnificent -- some people call it an experiment, i don't. just say this is a magnificent place, a magnificent country. it is so sad to see how far it has come and gone.
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when you look at the deaths, we cannot let that happen. wewe will drill, baby, drill. we will get the inflation down. and we are going to make our country greater than ever before and we will do it quickly. it is going to go fast. we have to get the criminals out. we have many criminals that entered our country. we have people coming in from such bad places■= and we will he to get them out. we have murderers being deposited into our country, drug dealers at the highest levels coming in to our country. we have people coming in that should not be here. many, large percentages -- they come in through the caravans. now we find they come in through airplanes. this is crazy. we are going to stop them.
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we will close our borders. we will have to deport a lot of bad people. our countries cannot live like this. our cities are choking to death. our states are dying and frankly our country is dying. again, greater than ever before. thank you very much. been a big night. ■'thank you. [cheers and applause] ♪
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>> wednesday o c-span, the hopehes followed by legislative business at noon. members are considering the first spending package to avert a partial government shutdown on friday at midnight by extending funding until september 30. it is being considered under spsion of the rules so it will require a two trd majority to pass. on c-span2 the senate is back at 10:00 a.m. to consider executive nonaons including y. andn c-span3, federal reserve chairman jerome powell testifies on monetary policy and the state of the u.s. economy before the
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house fincl services committee. thats 10:00 a.m. eastern. you can watch ourivcoverage on the free c-span now video app or online at >> on wednesday, deral rese tess on the federal reserve's monetary policy. see the finanal services committee live at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span3, c-span now, or online at ♪ >> as president biden prepares for his state of the union address, c-span encourages you to engage and express your opinion. we want to know which issue is most iortant to you as the president's state of the union address approaches. >> i am from new jersey and one of the most important issues for me that i' touch upon is the sentinel crisis and -- the fentanyl crisis and how to dea with that, and also the large mental health crisis going on in
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this nation and what we can do to address those problems. >> i am a postdoc fellow at john hopkins university. i do research in history and social theory. i think the most important issue i would love to see the president touch on the state of the union is the danger that artificial intelligence poses to civilization, particularly in the way in which i think it might undermine our ability to have a f■'ully employed economy, and might threaten our culture. >> i am from st.ouis missouri and i would like the president to close the border because we are getting too many people in here. it is just getting overwhelming and a lot of crime. >> i am from new jersey. i would like to see the president address anything
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related to gaza and palestine. it is very important right now. it■k ignorance and people choosing to look at it in one way. >> watch the state of the union address live thursday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now, or online at >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. @?we axj=nre funded by these television companies and more, including charter communications. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of thewe are . building 100,000 miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. charter communitions supports c-span as a public seice, along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy.