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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 13, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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a hello and welcome to cross top boulevard design. peter lavelle here we discussed some real news is there to say the united states as lost its mind over the issue of israel. and in the process, the american 1st movement has shown itself to be a fraud. also remembering history, why has d day become more important in the west then victory day in europe to discuss these issues and for i'm joined by my guess door to send me well we in budapest, he's a pod cast toward the god. but we should be found on youtube in locals, and in marrow tests, we have martin jay. he is an award winning journalist and commentator, or a gentleman cross type prose and effect. that means you can jump any time you want and i always appreciate it. all right, let's start off with georgian in budapest. america is lost. that's mind. as i said in the introduction, i mean, we have major improvements, beings prepared, which you undermine the 1st amendment. we have members of congress that want to put student protesters on no fly list, even one lunatic wants to send them to gaza. then we have do in peach biden,
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for the same reason. again, this is a kind of a parody of themselves, you know, the, using the same rationale that they impeach donald trump. in this case, it's my america's most important ally. never explain why that is, but that's what said all the time. i could go on and on george. so the place is coming apart at the seams over a foreign country. a yes, it is a, it is glad to extraordinary. and on top of that, we have the spectacle of a few days ago of the presence of the united states, a democrat, the speaker of the house, number 3 in line to the throne. um, uh, both at the hollow club fuller cost commemoration, oven and both spoke about the united states as being in the grip. oh, the anti semitic of uh, the likes of which the world has not seen since nazi germany. think that thing of
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that, that's what's going on to the university campuses is the most elite universities in the united states. you know, the, the, the children of the best families of this. so what's going on there is what was going on in nazi germany. i mean, i seen this will a straight face and the people of course, go on with the beating of the media because it acts as a, an echo chamber and they end this thing. it's, this is quite extraordinary is that they could believe anything. so upset and then the a double that we had um the other day the state department publish, the sheepish report in which it is pretty much said israel is committing war crimes using american weapons. i mean, it's back of this as a, but we don't have definitive proof of this. so therefore everything just continue as yours. you can, but you can watch those atrocities in real time
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a be a street? yeah. me, i well, i do need a state department report. i don't. okay. i believe my eyes keep going. exactly, but that was already too much because all of us lead to vote was that? yes. so we can go on sending israel whole we arms. it wants to be because we just don't have different that it proof that the american homes are being misused, that was enough to cause an explosion alone. republicans that this, this is when you're tying the hands of outrages, the friend of ally you who and you have the same thing. we, we were told that somehow things have changed. the republican party or change is of the band and all of those crazy ideas of the, of the early part of the 21st century with the george w bush cheney and all that logical gum. you know, we're all trump bands. now roll realists. now we're all nationally as populous it's
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it's, it's exactly the same. it's just as complete, lunatic dement says, the desire to go to war as you say, on behalf of a foreign country without ever in the explanation. so why, what is so special about this foreign country? yeah, and then martin, we had the letter to b i c c, which, you know, the united states always supported, went into, um, uh, what was going when the i c, c was going after leaders and adversaries. so against the united states. and now we have this, this, the letter of going out from the side. it, i mean, it could have been written by the soprano family. like you've been warned. that's a quote to the i see, see what's going on martin. you have to believe any of those. i mean in a, if you say that these are very powerful people, i mean irrespective of their, of their intellect. okay. but you know, i think let you say that the american is, it lost his mind. i'm not sure as lost as my suddenly lost any thoughts is laural,
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russian will come to us. we do seem to see we witness statements and post positions and initiatives which seems to be conflicts one another. you know, you've got an, a sentence, a who wants lobbied for a to not be sent to, to, to, to, to, to, to goes to now we want the same page to mail it to them because buttons. now, if i were you looking to 8, it doesn't really make any sense to report the children mentions you know, again, you know, here and completely as a slap on the wrist band, a failure stuff on there is why do you need to, why the result is just took a box, you know, to convince that goes on top of that. we are doing something about goes about, you know, sending bombs, the, and building or floating platoons will aid, you know, at the same time feeding the gardens and an amount of them and allow him to is ray these to carol them into a corner. you know, which was supposed to, as i've said before, they aren't meant to radio calls. it is an ethnic cleansing strategy. now when it
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always has been really, you know, and the only thing that is coherence, which rings to every now and again, which we see is america's inability to play for in israel and palestine and never plays for. it's always plays doty, you know, i feel confused about all this things going on. it's ok, but it doesn't go head to reclaim some, to demystify it for, you know, this wonderful video clip as you put a few days ago in a rambling on about the palestinians. you know, like there's some kind of some human client, you know, in the same way there's some people describe insects in the policy and in, so given this opportunity, it was all good. but also a, we had robert f kennedy junior say at one point, i mean i, i, this year. i think that guys that kind of nonsense for me, hillary clinton total. and i said the palestinians are some of the most pampered people in the world. that george, what's going on here because, i mean,
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why have this reaction? i mean, this says just fanatical reaction. the inside of fear again and, and also the realization that the mask has fallen off and everyone sees how ugly these policies are. and they, they desperately don't want people to see reality. they're terrified. that's why we want to send students to gaza. they are part of the no fly list. i mean, there's been no violets that i'm aware of. that's been committed by any of the students who are either a commencement or after commencement. george is exactly right. the to then there is no evidence whatsoever. and no one has produced any evidence that any of these students have committed any violence. the one incident, the best concert they referenced, they was referenced by speaker johnson. it was about this, a young woman who was poked in the eye with a palestinian flag. and this has been been repeated by all the politicians. and
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then it turned out, you know, this, it is the own home and of course did the rounds on television. there's nothing wrong with our i at each of the people to start thinking that model looks like any normal, healthy young woman as well. i got a little bit of a headache. uh so you know, and, and it's clear that all of these cases arise when uh, essentially pro is ready. the student active is deliberately go out of their way to provoke the, the, the of the pro palestinian academic stages in the full of closing a confrontation in the hope of causing some kind of a male a which can then be filled, which can then be sent out to the, to the television stations and say, wow, look a little bit re bids a at the same. it isn't as and when out bossing legislation is was the space thing will this with this anti semitic wave is so dangerous is such
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a threat to students that we need is a very stringent the legislation is damaged. that the, the people that are doing that. but it hits the leads, they feel threatened by the students. the that's the reason they feel us right. is it, do you call deny? what's just what's going on there? i mean, it's like you could keep repeating october the 7th till the cows come home. but just even look at the numbers. i mean, how do you know that the, the wild, this proportion of the numbers? this was a lie to that, that the somehow there was nothing that happened before october, the 7th, and then nothing happens all through october. the 7th and, but we can just simply keep repeating october 7 nazi germany, a holocaust and hope that someone's gonna ask any questions more than what's the, what's even more bizarre here is the talking about how um certainly students, particularly jewish students feel threatened or they could be triggered, you know, i don't know, the local lingo is as well as others do. but at the same time,
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when these claims are being made, a slaughter is going on. non stop in, in gaza. and i mean, so you, you talk something that it's imagined and then you want to deny reality partner. and i think of the americans and these writers wanted to know in reality as much as they possibly can manipulate the process. i think it was very interesting to see in the last few days of interview with peers, smoking, and one of the official is where the spokes person and morgan basically calling of this guy. because it became apparent that these writers don't have any statistics. a tool for the so called civilian, so they've killed only specifics on the so called service animals and mold and made the point if you haven't got the sophistic songs, villas, and everything you're doing, especially across, you know, you're just trying to con us probably over the eyes of everybody, what you know that there is there, there is some logic into tracking down these terrorist and can well knows the names for this thing. spokes people are never really challenged by even, you know,
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remotely, a hard question. you're george, before we finish up this segment here. what happened to america 1st? this is a very good advice if america 1st that's going to be in a kind of america. but all this, like, i don't know the end of the america of joe mccain. this amazing kind of transformational maybe was my transformation. he was, i think, a largely a con job. this suggest holy a america for us. yeah, we're not going to worry about anyone else. well, that's kind of what john mccain used to say. the last thing we want to do is worry about what the lease slimy europeans have to say, or what this asians have to say. we just do whatever we want to do. and so it becomes a full circle. america for us to just simply bush mccain, republican as well. where is donald trump and all of this? he doesn't seem to be pushing back. i mean, again, i mean, you know that that's what he's got is his policy is supposed to be,
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but i don't see him saying it last 30 seconds. george. before we go to the board, i think i think trump is just hoping that this issue will just go way and he can just avoid saying anything or doing anything that's got on timing eyes, anyone. so he's just simply keeps repeating the same mantra state. it didn't happen when i was president. it wouldn't have happened if i were president. that's. that's totally recess. yeah. but do you know that that is the, the, the, is the strategy of a power not to say anything and hope it to the subject will be changed. that's just pure cowardice unfortunately. but i think the entire political class is coward and cowardice and a lack of moral compass is martin city of gentlemen. i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on some real and stay with our to the
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release of come to the russian states. never as tight as i'm wondering the most on screen and the best most i'll send send up the in the 65 with the keys. $195.00 must be the one else. suppose question about this . even though we will bend in the european union, the kremlin, the machine for states on the rush to day and split the ortiz food. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you even twist, which is the
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number or can you use visa, stupid loyce law here. see it to nancy, you know, look terms and then that's just me very the the only showcase is nathaniel dunn who's going into the, by the boys at the boys. the girls are busy and one last name that'll be put on my trip to florida. doesn't want that, i faxed them,
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put the notes up under that the welcome back to the prospect bullhorn john peter bell here were discussing some real news. i'm a martin, let me go to you. um, you know, the, you know, here in moscow we just celebrated victory day in year up to 79th anniversary. of course, that is a staple here it's, it's one of the most important dates in the calendar, in russia for very good reasons. so we really don't know the need to go into here, but that the date is, is rapidly disappearing as a day to commemorate in the west. so i would even go further. you know, the more you, with every passing here it's, it's almost is zip the soviet union. first of all wasn't in the war or it was the enemy. but it is very little recognition of its role in the defeat of fascism in
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europe. in 1945 martin. yeah. and that's, i think that's, it's interesting that you, your picking up perhaps because you go to innovation. but i wonder if younger people even really even understand even and, you know, you know, we, we, we all at brushing us out slowly but gradually. because the leads want us to make and in reference to the role that russia play, the 2nd level as you set. and um, but i think this does already sent a reflection on the direction that would go. right. you know, is that if in georgia, as i mentioned before previously last week, so you know this way uh what, what the, the lead some managing to basically break down, eradicates and destroy oh liberties. all free spiritual debates. now old revolt in the mountain itself. now, history is being um, horribly skewed. and um, why? because there was this under this underlying um, initiative from the west to basically put royce a little to get and go back to the colwell and have an east and west. and you know,
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this is where we're heading, and this is, this is all part of increased defense spending and basically gave short time to school games. but at least to study about another to very clever long term gains, because you know, what does that leave the hundreds of american companies invest in china? for example, that's just one taking it breaks is expanding very, very rapidly. and i think it's important for the americans and the british to celebrate the day, the normative mountings. but beyond us, you know, we're not going to see much. i mean, in the last week we had a lot about a hold. of course, you know, i saw on twitter, people talking about some, 02 is people are afraid that that we will also forget to hold a call. so my argument back on twitter was, how can we forget the whole course when the x rays are reminding us that every single day with the genocide and guns, you know, we're never going to get ahold of course, because people don't think. but well, that's a repeat of history, isn't that interesting? 1945. all the way to where we go to pay and this time, you know,
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the genocide is supported by the americans. they get to get out of the get out of jail free card. you know and know probably be more kind of busy for many international court. what a joke, you know, even the votes and the un general assembly just recently would seem to be hard and covers. a lot of people drew some sort of some comfort from the fact that now tell us time can at least in principal consider itself to be a possible stage. you know, but that will hinges on the un security council, giving it the front of it. and we'll know that, but ministration are going to be to that. however, going back to georgia point, trump or your point, where does this leave trump inputs? i think, i think that's a big thing for trump, because that puts even more focus on him from the middle, the, some of the hold of the middle east specially waiting to come back, you know, and not necessarily because they loved trump so much, but they just don't see any mileage at all in the bundle industries and so they've been questioned now can be if somebody to come back, would he do the unthinkable when he pressed that button?
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the thing is to say that it seems more more obvious georgia, that if time comes back, we get jord though. we get john mccain again. mean big. it is no matter who you out for. you give john mccain, and he knows maybe i should say with the topic of history here. george, i mean it's, it's very interesting and said, you know, you know, i, you know, i just watched a number of documentaries about the 2nd world war. they're very old ones. okay. and um, and then i look at the media coverage, whatever coverage there is. and you'll get the impression that the americans won the war by invading on d day and they liberated the camps. that's, that's kind of the new history to yes, that is, that is a history. so you've got to talk of a world war 2 accounts, which is where you've got a burden. you know the bad, the bread defeating nothing, job a name, then you've got the day and then the liberation of europe. and that's pretty much
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it. and so the v e day, which is to be quite a big deal. well that's kind of now disappeared and so everybody's waging with excitement with bated breath for the of the da signed the 3 of the d d landings, which is going to be a very big event. and it's going to be, you know, member of the game. russell will then be present as who is playing a very minor, if any role in the whole thing. where's it goes even when it comes to d, the, the side of the soviet union played a very big role because it also at the coincide with the, they had mounted a huge offensive, which ultimately led to late, the total collapse of nazi germany. so we played a very big role in these a that associates a fastball fan and was involved all the, the, the planning. and in george, i mean if you look at the historical record, know, you know, it's very difficult to, you know, and when we like, way we talk about ukraine a lot, the conflict there. we don't know. in retrospect,
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we'll find out what if we were at the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning because you're in the middle of it. but when we look at the history of the 2nd world war in, you know, 79 years after the the, and the defeat of the nazis is it, it was quite obvious by, by june 1944, the outcome of the war was a certain b, u, the ability for nazi germany and satellites through a generate a new major offensive in the east was 0 and they've okay in the, in the, our den later. but that was very short term, but between the war was of the, essentially determined. okay. and now i know you, we have the d date landings and it could have only happened is there it will be because of the soviet success in the east finish after that? yes, exactly, that's the best way. and um, what i think is also important that by june 1944, the uh, the west, the allies, uh, were quite concerned because they knew that the
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a major associated victory was in the all thing. and they have just the piece as well that it goes way hold back any longer delay of the invasion of europe any longer. you know, there may not be any need for the west. and now as you know, the red army would just have the, uh, the, you know, the sweep uh westwood, without any issues. but even when he comes to the uh, off the, the, the landings, the germans are still concentrating most of their forces in the east rather than the west. because that's what they were afraid of. they were afraid of the red army breaking through and occupying the whole of germany. so they really went that worried about the, the british and the americans. it was really late in the soviet breaks or the console them. but what's also interesting is listen, yahoo, so it was speaking of the russian. i'm an easy i'm a few days ago getting commemorate daily, horrible as remembrance they any said, no one came to the assistance of the jews. yeah,
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we was jews. we saw that no one came to the assistance of issues. and now this, this is the thing, let's get, gets repeated over and over again. losing millions of all millions of people in the soviet union dive to defeat nazi germany. it was a, they came and they, these again, they lived a rate the times one can bought for another liberated by the red army, all of the offers that blink everyone we have liberated by the read on it. and you have the know, the say no one came to into our systems. well, you know, the history is now been completely rewritten. yeah. but one of the reasons why it's being rewritten, martin is that they have the that there is the intent to deny the suffering of the peoples of the soviet union in the defeat of nazi germany. so if you, if you would great generate a narrative where you're not there, then if you weren't there then weren't, you didn't suffer. and that's one of the things that they want to avoid. and you
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know, you know, what need to, i can remember um, uh, uh, an american woman talking about, uh, how the red army conquered you. a hungry and i pointed out to her, i said, you know, the red army law said 600000 troops, deliberate that small country. and you don't want to recognize that there's, there's this lack of input, the lack of rec, recognition. and at the end of the day, gentlemen, it's always about security. it's not moralizing. you know, it's easy. rightfully so to demonize the, the nazis but stolen or um go to bed, shop, or pool. it doesn't really matter. they have rushes security at heart. and there's again, rush, it has no security requirements, only the west, those when you knock some of the sub beginning out of the more than you, we shuffle the deck when it comes to security. even martin. yeah,
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i think i do agree with you, but i think, you know, what historians in general is tend to not look too carefully at what killed referred to. as you know, in the detail land is we're only really made possible by the feet of germany and russian operation. but the rosa was a colossal mean minute, tre, fail, spectacular. say that. but why with the germans? what was in the advancing eastward mainly to look for more oil. and the main reason why the deadline is repulsive was because of the time of the june 9044. the germans had no, no real efforts to speak of. by that time they basically run out fuel and then we know enough probably that surround the even to flight a few places they have possibly deadlines would have been a very, very different story if the, if the ethel associated types. and they said that the numbers and the planes to get out to, to, to provide so i think we need to put it on into context. but, you know, we're not looking at middle to contact. the last thing they says he doesn't tell you, look at my operation powers that i'm drawing any lessons from it. so,
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you know, the future is, is, is a bleak on what it was and yeah, yeah, but i mean to this, i'm glad you brought that up right martin, because that's exactly how the russians see it. okay. i mean, they may see a collective west. they know, again in, in, in, in the, in this year, in the immune, in 1941, the us who was not already and wasn't in the war already, but in 2022 you have the complete collective west. okay. and, but it also is on their mike, the russians of that is george city. that's exactly right. and that's the way they look at it. and they've mentioned this many times before, but essentially it black present to them. this. the soviets, with a united european continent interest, pretty much the united europe bank, ultimate, that everyone has been a born has. this has had been defeated most of the governments of, uh, your up at that time to bought in the invasion. you know, it was as hungry
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a romania uh you know, even from that. but, and this notion of the thing. yeah, that's kind of what we've got now. and worst of because we've, we've, we've also got the united states and great britain, which of these burden was not all the oh, based on the side of a hip left in 1941. but this, the, you know, just a year or 2 earlier, a great burden had, had, wanted to attack the soviet union. unfortunately, gentlemen were, but in time, but the video history doesn't prepaid, but it does echo, and we've disproved um this program what i think, my guess in budapest, any verification of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here. are to see you next time and remember, well sacrificed the
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the in 1492 this evening, christopher columbus, rates to the bahamas and discover the new world for europe. the wealth of america and its fast territories. cosby envy of the europeans, especially the spaniards and the portuguese. they sought after taking over these lands. however, there lived indigenous peoples with a high culture and their own nation who was there to barbaric colonization of america, which went down in history under the name of con, diesel. that lasted for more than 100 years. in 1521 care design. cortez is done
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with doors captured and destroyed the capital of the aztec empire. daniels practically massacring the local population. following them, francisco pizarro is gone. keeps the doors destroyed the inc. i am fired as a result of spanish aggression. the ancient maya civilization collapse, suppressing the resistance of the indians. the invaders carried out mass executions . the horrendous genocide was aggravated by the diseases that the europeans had brought to america. the number of the indigenous population decreased 16 times from 251 and a half 1000000 people from keystone became one of the largest demographic good tasser fees of mankind and remains an indelible bloody stain in the history of the european colonial empires. the
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in the headlines philadelphia international, the u. n. agency college senior direct jeez reopens as east jerusalem headquarters offers property were set on fire by israelis, according to the head of raw in the west by hoping to want to one united nations stop members killed and other wounded. well, israel pound around the death full on humanitarian workers mound. some of the idea of campaign enclaves, health care system is set to be mostly on the brake. the police just don't want the not supposed to be in the user at the conversation. is there any police abiding tullison and students from commemorating the dock by out of us oriental or be it's according to the student organization which says it was to stop them from mocking dix.


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