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tv   Speaker Johnson on Marjorie Taylor Green Motion to Vacate Vote  CSPAN  May 12, 2024 4:09am-4:14am EDT

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american taxpayers. nothing more, nothing less. people over politics. nothing more, nothing less. reporter: leader jeffries, if congresswoman greene brings this up again, what will you position be? mr. jeffries: haven't given it a thought. reporter: [inaudible] mr. jeffries: we are going to continue to operate under the premise that we need more common sense and less chaos in washington, d.c. we simply want to do our jobs, get things done, make a difference in the lives of the american people, solve real problems, like housing
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affordability, inflationary pressure, make sure we address the challenges at the border, and then go battle it out in november. as long as house republicans continue to peddle chaos, dysfunction and extremism, and as long as house democrats con to solve problems for everyday americans and deliver real results, then the american people are going to vacate the extreme maga republican majority in you. mr. johnson: members just voted and made their voice heard on the vacate matter. now we have important work to do. last week we announced an effort to crack down on anti-semitism on campus. this morning we introduced
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legislation to fortify american elections and ensure only american citizens can vote. i'm glad this distraction is not going toin hibt that important work and all the other things on the table and on the agenda for us right now. hopefullies the end of the personality politics and the frivolous character assassination that has defined the 118th congress. it's regrettable, it's not who we are as americans. we're better than this. we need to get beyond it. the speaker of the house serves the whole house, that's job. everybody. but i am a lifelong movement conservative republican. i intend to continue to govern in accordance with those core principles. we believe in the core principles. i call them the seven core principles of american conservatism but they're also the core principles of american itself. individual freedom, limited government, rule of law, peace through strength, free marks and human dignity. those are the guiding principles that inform our work. and that we work for every day
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here to pursue. to ensure that all americans have more liberty and opportunity and security. and those those foundations are in jeopardy right now. we need steady hands at the wheel. we need people who understand what made america the strongest, the most uh pore. -- the most powerful, the most free, the most benevolent nation in the history of the world. we're going to fight for that every day. we're in a battle between two competing visions for what america is and what it will continue to be. we have important work not only to keep the house majority but to grow the majority. that will be necessary to help save this country. and the work that we have to elect a republican president. we're on that as well. in this moment, the country desperately needs a functioning congress. that's what the overwhelming majority of the members in this body demonstrated today. i'm proud to serve in this position. it's not one that i aspired to. it's not one that i ever expected to have or planned for.
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but it is the honor of my life and career to do this. i will do it as long as this body will have me do that. we have a great vision for the country. we're not deterred. we have many problems to fix. and i'm going to tell you what you all have heard me say many times. i believe in the goodness of america. i believe in the future of this country. i believe as reagan said, as he reminded us what lincoln originally said, we are the last best hope of man on earth. by god's grace, we'll save this country. i'll keep fighting every day to make sure happens. reporter: mr. speaker.
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